Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. May & Co., Tca Dcaicrs, Coffec Roastcr8 Provi8ion Mcrchanis 9S Fort Stre«t, - Honoloia Families, Plautatious an«l Ships supplied with choicest European &American Grocert€S California Prodnce by Every Stoauier. CITY NIEHĪ MflRKET Opi>o. Oueen Emma Hall, Establishu«l 1883. JOS. IINKEP, FfiNIILYSaBUTCHER Maker o fthe Ctlehr r(> d Cambridge Pork Sa sage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to An\ Part of the City and Suburbs. Muiual Telephon« Number 289. Glub j5tables Zo., S. F. OKAHAM. M«t. .■ r. Jl>ivery, F*eed andl Sale * Stables, Fort Street. between Hotel and Beretania. Both TelcpLoues No. 47 > IionnBCt8d With j&and, Corner King <t Bethel Sts. Both Telephones No. 113. lCmpire Snloon, JAMCS OLDS. Pkopkik ( or, Fine Liqooi% HeeP, ALWAYS ON' HANP. Corner Nnnanu an<l Hotel '~treets HAKE1S0N BROS., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDEI>, 208 Fort St., Honololu. LEWIS 4 C0., and Retaii Grocers AN*D PROVIS10N DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICB By Erery San Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon* in* Bap.rei> a Specialtt. iii Fort St., Hanoiuiu. Teh 240, P. O. Box 2^7t 1 I NĒW EaPopean 1 ant, No. 509 Uotel Street. Ste»k. Ham k Egg- 4« r 2ō ct*. Bo»rd*ng $4.50 |'er v eek, or 21 Me»l T ck*ts r or $4:50. Fowl tiiree times a week. cookii>g oo f rst c »8o style, Meala at all boors. CHOCK SING. cct26 Im l*rcpnetor.