Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — Annexation Murderers! [ARTICLE]

Annexation Murderers!

“It Woulp Sebve the ex-QuFjEX Well to Pbay to Hei: Gods That the Peu.il of HestorATIOX JfAY XEVEB COME TO Hk.k.” Uawaiian Star yovemher 6, 1893. Anv one wlio has closely observed atiiiirs bere since the or«ani!zation of the anaexation elul» is aware that there exits iu that body a gang of desperate Americaus deterroined to hold on to the offieos aad power they have fraudulentlv obtained, and i to further grab all the offices and boodle in sight. The Star is their org «n. and the above quotation contains an numistakabie threat, that ean have but one meaning. It is not long siuce that some cranky member or members of the annexation club put a placard *)u Claus Spreckels residence threatening him with murder, and a well known correspondent of tbe associated press, ioformed the Ainenean public that there existed within the anuexation club a “munkr scn.'ietif” an American majia who were determiued to defend their usurpation by murdering the Queen and all prominent royalists if necessary. We do not believe that this faction are numerous. or have the sympathy or support of the majority of that club who are principally, Portuguese, beanlless missionary youths. and departed tourists. sailors and vagabonds. Nor do we believe that Mr. H»tch the President of tbe Annexation Club, orMr. Dolethe P. G. president, have any feelings in eommon with their mnrderons allies. We coucede to the leadrfrs of the Pronsional Government, that though their metbods of revolt were nntenable, tbey were really inspired with a delusion that they coold give us better government than we had hitherto had. But while trymg to imitate the revolution against monarcby in Brazil,lbey had not figured out the difference iq complications tbat would result, nor the ditferenee helween revo!t of a people

and the reTolt of a cabal assisteil bv a foreign power. The organizatK>n of the Annexation Clnb may have beenworthy iu its motives, bnt it eventnally got controlled an animatedby meu who having been failnres in their : own land saw the opportnnitv' to j sieze aud enjoy tbe spoils of fat offices in this fortign Kingdoru, | and to secure whieh they stand ready to do murder. The organiz ition of a “Citizens Resene,” Ritle Clubs and other warlike aff.iirs, in coujanction witli the Ann«xation Clnb, prOves that their objeet is not for good aovernment, iaw and order, but ! for usurpation and plumle’'. How disgraceful the whole conduct aud attitude of the Americau Annexation Club in distinction to the Hawaiian Patriotie League. The forraer boil over with tbreats of murder and violence if their theft of a naiion is not supported by the Uuited States. The latter headed by their Queen, appealed to the honor and justice of Lhristian America, aud with (juiet dignity and patieuce await tbe decisiou upon their appeal whieh we hope is close at hand.