Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — A COSTLY "PUNCHING" FOR THE TROM CONDUCTOR. [ARTICLE]


Higgins.tbe tramcareouductor. went home h»>t Moml*y night. and being very tired fell asleep in the ;»riu-chair. When he woke np from his inueh-needed ri-st his iadustrious little wife held up for his H>lministruti< 'O h htup-shade made cf co!oured t;ssue paper She hail made it vrith her own pretty hands whilst he ha.i beeu sleeping. and its scalloped U»rder w is perforatevl with iunumerable little holes, through whieh the light of the parlour lampwould fall on ihe tuble. * Tell me if yon think it is prettv," deraanded Mrs. Higgin> holding the shado ont for her husband to inspect it. “It looks lovoly, began the man; but as his eyo fell on it more closely he turned palo, and said in a hoarse whisper, made those holes with my beilpunehr ‘ Y.‘s. d>*ar. while yon were sleep. lUit what makes you speak that way?" asked the little womah, greatly nlarmed at the sndden change that hnd eome over the unfortunate Higgins. “Oh, nothiug,*’ he said; “only vou’vo rung np enough fares on that lamp-shade to nse np a year,s salarv. Every one of those holes will cost me a penn}- eaeh, that’s all.” And theunhappv man groaned_ — 7