Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — Telephones Again. [ARTICLE]

Telephones Again.

Persons usiug telephones, should make sure of the correctuess of the number to whieh they wish to communicate. Ringing up the wrong number sometimes occasions great coufusion, and possibly may be the cause of unnecessary ill-ieeling between persons. An instance of that nature happeued in this city the other day. A married lady residing on Beretauia street was desirous of sj>eakiug to a gentleman frieud. l>he went to the telephoue aud called up nnmber [v>e withhold the number). the eall was answered, “Is that you so and so, “\es.’ eame the reply from the geutleman at the other ond, who.se name was very similar to that of the person wanted. The lady delivered her message, whieh was tho eauae of a short convorsation. finallv as it was t »king a sam ewh a t serious turn. the lady asked the geutlemau where she conld see him. he told her; she immediately hung up the ’phone, she had been talking to the wrongperson.