Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The CoanciIs are sitting this afWrnoon. In Shangbai. China. a ponv i> , h ‘ tooke. I Mr. John Maguire arrive<l this moruitig froni Hawaii by the steainer Hawaii. .»Ir. aml 3Irs. W. fr. Irwin give a ball to-uight at their beautiful resiileuce at Waikiki. Correspondents are reiuinded, that the mail to be di<patohed by the steamer Anstralia ou Saturday will close at 10 o’eloek a. m. We leam that the Maj-ah, has a seat iu the Choi-ah, of one of our ehurches. What’s the att»actioD—;ih' lt is not ah, is it; Hawaiian Consul-GeneraI R. W. Irwin. a brother to Adtuiral Irwin is espected to arrive here by the uext stearaer froiu Yokohama. Adiniral Irwin and family are stopping at the Hawaiiau Hoiel. A nuraber of friends have called aml welcomed the Admiral to tliis country. The araateur miustrels are getting ou famously, and have received re-enforceraent of several talented!ocaIcelebrities. Their show promises to be the hit of the season. We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. H. Kiekanl whohasbeen ailing for some tirae is improving, aud will soon be ablo to bo around again. Mr. Kinney has evidently got rid of his bilious attack and dropped the personal abuse indulged in by him wheu the latest libel suit was heard in the District Court the other day. Mr. Eddy GiH’ard who is visitiug at Waimea. Hawaii, had a narrow escape a few days ago. Mr. Gitiard was out ridin<r when O his horse bolted. The bit broke and the horse continued its mad career into the forest where tho rider was kuocked otf through a collision with a branch, and beiug unable to get his foot out of the stirrup was dragged along theground. Fortunately the girth broke through the horse attemptiug to jurap over a log, and Mr. Gilfard was saved. Wo are glad to state that besides a severe shaking up she young gentleman received no serious injuries. Messrs. Hopkins aud White’s Billiard Parlors whieh have been iu ruuniug order for sorae weeks, are undoubtedly the most attractive in that line ever seen iu the city. The handsome room in theAilingtou building on HoteI street has beeu beautifullv finishe<l up. aml the excellent tables whieh were used in the Brunswiek Parlors refixed and pnt in ! first class order. Under the effi- | cient management of two popular men like E. Hopkins and Arthur M hite, tte success of their enter- | prise will be ensureil. All friends of the eue shoald eall around | and try to become champions.