Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAH HOLOMUAI» PUBLISHED Every -A-fternoon EX«'E!T SLXDAY BY THE Holomua PublishingCo. At Kinp St. (Tbonaas block), Honolnla, H. I. rer 50 Cts. Th<» ps:>er is fleliver- i hy Carriers in the hiwu an ; ->’,i!'Urb'. Sinjjle C>jhes for J?ale at the NVws Dealers au>l at the Office of pubIication. ABRAHAM FERHA'10ĒZ, - Mansger EOUUMO NORRlE. - - Edlīor XOTICE. All l’>nsiness Commurications shonKl be ad'lres'e<t fo Abrahaia Fcrnandez, Honaluln, H. I. Correspondenoe au.l Cou:nnuieations for pnblitMtiou >houM l>e addressed to the E.litor Huwuii Holomna. Xo uotice will be paid to any anonvmoas eom mu UK:ations. *to$inr$s (Tard$ A. P. PETERSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 KnaLnmanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. CHAliLES CREIGHTOX, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Offi< < : 113 Kaahnmann Strect, Honolulu H .waiian Islauds. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORN'EY AT LAW. 314 Morchaut Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telei*hone 415. CLA11ENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COl’NSELLOR AT LAW. Office. 01d Canitol Bnilding, (Honoluln Kale), adj'>iuing Post Offioe, Uonoluln. J. M. DAViDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 300 Merchant St., Olhee (Mutual) Tel. 180, Resideuce 07. S. K. KA NE, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office: Corner King aml Bethel strects. up-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Office, corner King A Bethel Sts. F. H. REDWARD. CONTRACTOR vnp BITLDER, No. 600 King Street. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islamls. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT B.;s>ncss of a Fidncianr Natare Transact«d. !Tompt attentk>n gtvcn to ihe rr.anagcment oi Ektatcs. Guar,iianshi}>s, Trusts, eto., ctc.. etc. Ojncrs, : Cartn right Buildtng, Merrhant Strect, Honolnln. &DNSilL¥ES & Imi>ortors Ā Dealers in Grocerles, WInes, Spirits. &c. QueenSt., Honolulu.