Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ESTABLISHED A. D. 1S63. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! H Vlv K11 V amd IceCream Par!ors F. HOKN, Proprietob. PRACTICAL Conlectioiier Oniaineiilei 1 In all Lmnches o£ the bu»iness on these island>. AMEKIOAN, EEENOH. ENGL1SH AND GEEMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO OEDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKES ; Made of the verv best material, unsurpassed in richness of quality and ornamentedin unapproachable style. at Iower prices than anv other establishment in Honolulu. FBmily \ Fancij Hpeail, Guava Jelly. Preserved Tamarinds and Tamariud Svrnp. ALL C0NFECTI0NERT Manufactured at my Estali- • lishment are Guaranteed be Positivf.lv Pure and sold at, prices no other establishhient eau comiieto with. FACTORY & STORE. No. 71 Hotel Strfet. Between NuuanuandFort Streets BOTIl TELEPHOXES No. 74. Eeward. A Postal Saviugs Bank Book No. 465 has been lost at my residence during this montb. M’lio ever finds it aml returus same at my residence at Heeia. Koolaupoko. Oahu, or at the law office of Jas. K. Kaulia, iu Honolulu, will receive a reward. Mus. Mikala Kaulia. Honolulu, Oct. 23.1893. oct23 Im LEWIS l C0., 1 WholesaIe and Retail Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAL4F0RNIA SALMON ONICE By Every San Francisco Stcamer. Salt Salmon IX Barrels a Specialtt. iii Fort S/., Ilonolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. XEAV Eur*opean l No. 509 Hotel Street. Steak. Ham k Eggs for 25 cts. Boarding $4:50 per week, or 21 Meal Tickets for $4:50. Fowl tbree times a week, cooking 00 first ciass style. Mea!s at all hours. CHOCK SING, oct26 Im Proprietor.