Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — THE LEGISLATURE AND ANNEXATION. [ARTICLE]


There has been a rnmor floatin£ ronnd to\vn that the Legislature of 1892 was to be called in extra sessiou to vote upon the fonn of Government for Hawaii nei. This idea evidently originated in the bri)Iiant brains of tbe present Government who imagine and fondlv hope that the ‘corruption Committee' of the Reform party could handle the few easiiy tempted members of that sessiou of barefaceil corruptiou; but they with all their astutenes overlooketl the faet that there is a vast ditīerence between voting out a Cabinet and turuing traitors to theirCountry and selling the life of their native land and birthrights of their fel!ow country-men. No the ‘OoKupUon Committee could not succeed.

A careful analysis of the eomponent elements of that hoose shows that apou a vote of all the members who eoahl possib!y atteml tliirty two wouM l>e solid for Restoration, and, bnt twelve iccludiug several doubtful, for anvthing else.