Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Alameda is Jae to-morrow evening. Tbe Kinan left this afteruoon at p. m. for Maai ‘anJ Hawaii. Mr. J. F. Colbarn hasdisposed of his hay and grain basiness to the California Feed Con*pany. There is prospects of a big ball beit'.g given shortlv by one of our most prominent citizeus. It is rumored, that a further iustalment of arms was Iodged in the station H >use last evening. To roorrow Mr. T. W. Everett ! will sell at aueiion in Wailuku a \ namber of yearlings belonging to and raised by Mr. W H. Cornwell from his fine btock. The Hawaiian National Bancl, will give a grand concert at the Hoiel ou Thursday evening—that day being the anniversarv of the birth of the late lamented Kiug Kalakaua. The Miowera is anchored in the naval row ue\t to the Philaelelphia. The divers bronght down bv Capt;tin Metcalfo are basy asoertaiuing the damages elone to the vessel. The Circnit Court is moving on slowly. Acquittals seem to i)e the order of the day whieh is quite natnral considering the trilling natnre of tho cases ]iresented. Hon. A. S. Willie the United States’ Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary called on board of the U. S. F. S. Phihulelaphia this forenoon aad received the nsaal salute upon leaving. The new smokestack f(Tr the Electric Light Works was raised to-day under the supervision of 3Ir. J. Cowan. The smokestack is bv far the highest here, but the work was accomp!ished in a most satisfactorv mauner bv Jos. Kela. The generals, colonels, snrgeons etc. etc. who are entitled to wear gold-lace and red striiies under the provisions of the P. G s. military bill held a eonneil-of-war last night. The U. S. forces have better look out for sqnalls- . . j The ‘citizens reserve” whieh is the name of a motley crowd of all nationalities. aud all calibres araied bv the P. G. is exj>ectiug to be ealleil out bv the marshal for services at any moment. What these ‘*services’ are to consist of none of them seeras to know tuough, but perhaps they are to seize the Adams and the Philadolphia. and turn these warships into a Hawaiian naw.