Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 November 1893 — Mixed Drinks. [ARTICLE]

Mixed Drinks.

It is not neces»iirv to nse eggs for the parpose of procuring a most refreshing and nntritions tlrink. The following snmmer driuk is excelleut. Biilv Cunningham will teli yon that it gives him nearly as mueh pleasure mixiug it as it tloes shooting pheasants aml tlucks on— well on the road to Waialua. We will eall it the Anchi>r Puneh. “Dissulve in a large thia glass a bar spoouful of sugar in water. ; Add oue-third of port wine, onethird of sherry wine, one thirdof claret %viue and a dash of Santa , Crnzrnin. Mis verv woll. Fill the l . - glass with shavtd iee, plaee a slice of orange or piueapple on the top aml imbibe. ’’ lf you thereafter don’t foe! like a better man, ready to renounce all work both in aml out of the government service, your case is hopeless.