Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 50, 15 November 1893 — Mixed Drinks. [ARTICLE]

Mixed Drinks.

A lady conresponvleut writes to thvnk as for onr prescription for making “Afternoon ColTee Paneh’ whieh she claims hail the promised eifect &fter a drive to the Pali as an afternoon when -vou-are -tired-ont l*ever:ige. She now wants to know what to give “him’ after diuner and as she assnres ns that her daddv’s side-boanl is filled to overfiowiug with every possible kiml of liqnor, we do not hesitate in giviug her the recipe of what is cousidered the masterwork of the ceutnry and so pro- ■ perly called The Sv'eet Lei Lehua. Take a large glass two-thirds fnll of shaved iee, and pnt in it one dash of absinthe, onetwelfth of raaraschino. one twelfth of benedictine, onetwelfth of green chatreuse. one-twelfth of creme de roses, ono twelfth of creme do eaeao, one-twelfth of Bon de Noix. one-twelfth of curaeao, one-twelftb of creme de ' moeea, one twelfth of creme de menthe, oue dash of fiuo okl brandy. Shake this to the freezing point, strain iuto two thin glasses and- know what it is to live.