Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 50, 15 November 1893 — A Careful Bank. [ARTICLE]

A Careful Bank.

Tiie Bank of Fr»tuce is not en- | tirely free fro«n nervousness ! regarding the ability of the bnrgj lar, and gnards itself iu a very careful manner. Every day, when the money is pnt into the vanlts in the cellar, raasons are waiting aod at onee wall up the doors with hydranlic raortar. Water is then tnrned on and kept running until the cellar is lloodett. ! A burglar wonld thns have to work in a diviog-snit and break 1 down a cement wall before he could even start to loot tbe vaults. When tbe offieers arrive nest morning the water is drawn otF, the masonty torn down and tbe i vanlts opened. Tbe tre»snres of the Bank of France are better i gnarded tban aoy others in the worldL (Lt }Iatin).