Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 50, 15 November 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions or the utterances of our correspondents.] --- --- EDITOR HOLOMUA: Sir:--The Annexation Club was started for the advancement of the principles of independent politics; at one of the first meetings, it was arranged, that each and every member present, was to pay his equal share of the expenses of the meetings without doing as it has been done heretofore, that is, to pass the hat around to the merchants and monied-men of the city, so the would-be-aristocracy would not have it in their power to dictate to the people, but, that the people would rule and dictate to them. Things did not stand long in that state, nor could it be expected, knowing the material it was composed of and from whence it sprung; with all their boasted freedom, there is a no more corrupt nation under the sun, no more corrupt political system to be found in any country, and where money is used in practical politics than in the Great Republic of the United States. Here we in Ha-waii-nei have a sample and some of the stock, who not only declare before this nation, "if they did not rule they would ruin" this is a sample of the missionary and should one be so fortunate as to get to Heaven, he would soon be telling the Great God that he was not running that Government to suit them; he would then combine with the Arch-Fiend to overthrow Him and apply for Annexation to "His Satanic Kingdom." "ONE WHO KNOWS."