Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 50, 15 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3Umti$rmmts \ Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of tue celebrated JOHN WEILAND EXTRA PALE LAGER I— I Vi Also, a Fresh Invoice of California Oysters FOK OYSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! B A K E R Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HORN, Profrietok. PRACTICAL Coufectionep <1 Oniiienlei 1 In all branches of the business on these islands. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH AKD GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAK.ES Made of tbe very best materiai, unsurpassed in richness of qnality and ornameuted in unappioaehable style. at Iower prices than any ofher establishment in Houoīulu. i Brea(!, Gnava Jelly. Presened Tamarinds and Tamarind Svrnp. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Manufactnred at my E»tablishment are Guaranteed t"» be Positivelt Pure and sold at prices no other establisbmeut ean comi>ete tvith. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Stbeet, Between Nunanu and Fort Streets BOTH TELEPHONFS So. 74. WIN6 WO TAI & Co.. Ko. 214 Nuu.mu Stre«t, C0MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS. IniporU?rs mnd Demlers in Gty L J IERCHA XD1SE. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japanese Crock’iyware, Mattings. Vases of all kinds. Camphorw«X)d Tronks, Rattan Chairs, a Fine Assortment of Dress Silks. Best Brands of Chinese and Japaneso Teas of Latest lmportations. Inspvsction of New Goods Rospectfollv Solieited. Mnlnal Tel. 366, P. O. Box 158.