Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — HAWAIIAN NATIONAL BAND. [ARTICLE]


lhis is the Birthdav Anniversary of His late Majesty King Kalukaua. The Hawuiiau lSational Band will give a conoort at the Huwaiian Kotel, thiseveuing commeraorative of the occasion. Following is the progrararae: Part I. 1. M.irvh—“Tb*> High School C'*dets" (hv Sonsa 2. Ot«(on(-“Seiuir»a!i.lc" Rossini S. Polka —“Tbe T« iu Brothers” Myeselles 4. S*-!ection —“tlawAii*n Songs (by re*jucst! Lihomio Sov;*. Kauliina i Hoinuinan His M n! estr I* <.<e e ka L* e Alohi uei. 1 P*rt II. « 5. K. Cl*rionet solo—“Miint*n*" Konml 6. MsrurRA— “Hawaiiau X»non*l B*nd „ Lihoniio i. '' alti —“S.>bri las 0’.as" (byrvqaest ’ l;.>sa» 8. M.-.tvb—“Qneen LUicok*ljini~.LilvmK> Ponoi,’. It ts rej>orted. that the steam whistle at the Uonolula Iron ■\Vorks. has been removed from its PCsition at that plaee. and iakeu to the electric Hght works on King street. It is to be used •as a night ulami signal, $hoald the l nited States Naval troops &ttempt to laud after dark.