Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — The Man-Faced Crab. [ARTICLE]

The Man-Faced Crab.

One of tlie most singular looking creatures tliat ever wa!ked tbe eartb, or swatn ‘tbe water uncler tbe eartb,’ is the wor!dfamous. man-faceil crab of Japan. The body is hard!y an ineh in lenght, yet'the head is titted with a face whieh is tbe perfect eounterpart <>f a Cuinese eoolie—a veritable missing link, witb eyes, nose and mouth all clearly defined. Tliis curious and uncanny creature, besides the great like ness it bears to a human being in the face. is provided witb two legs whieh seem to grow frora the top of its heael and bang over tlio side of its face.