Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]


By the R. M. S. S Alameda. < From tkf ) T<vo atterapts have recently been made to assassinate A»lmiral Mello, the coramander of the insurgent tieet that is besieging Kio de Janerio, bnt they were both unsuccessful. News has been received from Kio that Admiral Mello the insargent leader !ias proclaimed Captain Lorena, commander of one of the insurgent ves>els as provisional president of the republic. The death is nnnonnced of the Maharajah Phnleep Siugh at t!ie age of 55 years. Lord Vivian the British Ambassador at Kome died on the •21>t ult. Mged 59 years. The appointment of the Earl of Elgin as Vicerov of india has been very unfavourably received by the Imlian press. A joint ccmmittee has been appointed bv the Freoch Foreign Olliee and the British Embassy in Paris to make arrangements for the establi>hment of a buffer stato on the Mekong bet\veen the British and French poss^ssions. The Matabele in South Africa whieh had gained rather large dimensioas has been p\it down by English troops after some pretty hard fighting and loss of lives on both sides. Mayor Carter HarrisOn was assassinated by an unknown man on Oct. 29. The cowardlv mnrder has created a great sensation snd consternation all over the Uaited States. The raurderer succeeded in makiug his escapo. The Chicago Fair uas closed. Twenty millions of people visited tho exposition dnring the six months it was open.