Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


ho showe-J the Captain the door? Who took ott’ the Captain’8 headgear? T!ie P. G. Band jilavs at Thomas Square this evening. The Waialeale brougat news I of a fire nt Kukuihaele. The steamer W. G. Hall was reporled as 20 miles olf. at noon. Remember that the Hawaiian Naiional Band gives a’concert at San Sonci to-morrow evening. Ko sed:tious airs were plaved or sung by the Hawai an N’alional Bandat the>.r .Mupieale Iast evening- * The on!y newspapera in this city who h.i\e been endeavoring, and are still conlinuing to trv to stir up factioral troub!e hore, are the Fiiend, Advertiser, and the Star; a11 organs snpporting the present aatocratical government. Bnsiness men in the neighborhood of Nuuanu and K'ng streels were treated to a fine vocal eoncert this forecoon. A partv of Hawaiians, good natnred and in good humour, were amusing and entertaining themselves singing Hawaiian songs. It is wel! kuown. that anv attempt at lawlessnes3 or trouble will not emanate from the Lovalists; so the l’. G. gmg had better. “mark” "lea.n" and "innanUi/ tbe words, "any attempt made by anv person or persons to make troub!e wouhl be prompt!v checked and pnnishetl.” and behave themselves aecoidingly. ’ A gaug of twelve P. G’ sples were seen coming from their plaee of cover this morning at abont four o’eloek. Thev eame irom Miller Street, where they had been spending the night. There are Walls in that neighborhootl also. Tbe majoritv of tbese men are residents of Fowler s yard. A half a dozen or more were recognized.