Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3fnsuruncc ROYAL IXSURAXCE C0. OF LIVEHPOOL. The Largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. I, 1892, - $42,432,174.00 S££T Fire Kisks on all bimls of Insuranoe Proi>erty taken at Carrent Kates by ,T. S. WAUiEK, Airent for Hawaiian Island3. Fire, I-ife & Marine ~*1NSURANCE^ Nartford Fire Insnrance Co., Assets, $7.109.8*25.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assots, $4.317,05*2.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assots. $<»,1*24.057.00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O. 1JERGEK, Genen.il Ai]jent Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. |f. E. Bf(0, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1N 6roceries, Provisions & Feed EA8T C0RNER F0RT & KING STS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED By everv Packet from the EasternStates and Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by every stearaer. All Orders faithfully atteodcd to, ajid Ooods dehvered to anv part of tV.e Citv tree o, Cl a rge. īsland Orders 8olicited. Satisfact»on gnarantee.l. P08T Office Box No. 145. Telefhonf. No. 92. 6RAND OPENlNG OF THE New Funiiture Store ! Robinson Block. Holel St, oppo. Bethe! St. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY i CABINET MAKING ON HASD A>' EXTENSIV£ ASS0RTME5T OF AVicker ”W are, Antia ue Onk 13ecIrooin Snits. Chifioniei>4, Sideboards, etc. Wardrobes, Mattrasses, Pillows, Etc., MADE TO ORDER. No Second Hand or Darraged Goods Kept on Hand. ORDWAY & PORTER, Robinson Block, Hotel St., oppo. Bethel SL