Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

To Photoinraph on larM»* M. Villion puhliahe» the lollowing proce?s : Co.it an unpolished plate of marble with tlie following so!ution : EemineōOO parts, spirits of turp-ntine 500 part«, a'phaltum 50 pure mi 5 parts. When drv. ex{x«e under negative. whieh will Uke msn shine, al>>ut 20min. Develop with spirits of mr{>entine or benzine. aml wash in plenty of water. Now cover the plate where it is intendetl to l»e left white with an aleoholie solution of ahellao * and immerse the ?ame in any dye whioh is soluble in water. Al1er a while, when enough of the co!oring mattcr has entered the pores of the stone. it 5s laken out and polished The effect is satd to be vory pretty. C.T. AKANA MERCH4NT TfliL0R, 324 Nuuanu Street All Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Late*t Style. Clothes Cieaned and Repaired. no!7 BRUGE&A. J. CARTWRiGHT 6usiDessof a Fiiluciarj- Nalnn- Tr?nsactc*t. Prompt attcntion tjiTeu to tho of Esti»tos. Gn«niianship«. Trusts, etc., etc., etc. 0jfi.ee*, : Cartwright Building, Merchant Slreot, Honolnln. Reward. A Postal Savings Bank Book No. 465 has lieen lost at my residence during this month. Who ever finds it and returns same at my residence at H*reia. Koolaupoko, Oahu, or at the law offico of Jas. K. Kaulia, in Honolnlu, will receive a reward. Mrs. Mikala Kaulia. Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1893. oct23 Im i Chas. T. G-ulick N0TARY PUBL1C For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknowledgmenta to Labor ContracLs. Agent to Orant Marriage Lieenses, Honololu, OaLu. Agent for the Haw'n Is1ands o£ Pitt <fc Scorr ? s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Bnrlington Ronte,( Eeal Estate Br3ier ani&enepāi Afent Bell Tel. 348: Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; No. 38 MERCHANT Stxeet, Honolulu, H. I.