Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Coanciln are in '€»»ion this afternoon. The riUe carriers paraded the streets last night. ho was the P. G. Lor>e lifter yestenlay in the Poliee Coart Last night’s street sbow. was no <loabt tnade for the parpose of intimidation. Buy yourtickets for the minstrel sh iw to-morrow morning at Levey‘s olfice, Queen Strett. Ramor Las it that it will proLablv be President Doie, and Ministerof Foreign Affairs HatcL. Mhy d;d noi the government prosccute a ix<ttugue3e who was arrested for selling swines? More to l’ollow in this eonneelion. ■ Lhe puhlie will uot be iutimidated, if there is a street show every night. So the authorities might save themselves the trouble in that resjiect. The 4<X1 of the “citizens reserve " who were out last evening, were no donbt there to watch the military. The military is uot trasted any too uiueh by these people. Mr. Frank Pahia has resigned from his position as District Ju«lge for Koolau Oahu. His resignation will lake effect from the end of this month. His successor has not been appointed yet. It was groat sport to watch the ride carriers last evening. Uutil tho Honoluln Amateur Minstrels give their performances, these stroet shows is the oalv amusement the public has. Give us auother one. Two P. G. rille carriers going home last evening, carrying their rides with them and who were walking in the middleof the road hud to ‘*side step' to the left and right and open order in doublequick tirae. This manoeuvre happened ou the coruer of Alakea and Hotol streets. Wonder the haeknian was not arrested We understand that Mr. G. C. Kenyon will start a suit for damages agaiust Mr. W. O. Smith for false imprisonmcnt. This suit is the result <>f the arrest of Mr. Kenyon on a warrant sworn toJby W. O. Smith for criminal !ibel whieh case w£.s dr>pped by the govern ment a few 4ays ago. It is stated that the amounl of damages claimed by Mr. K«nyou is $20,000. The P. G. borse-lifter swore before Poliee Judge Robertson, that he lifted the horse an«I 10 pounds haruess on his Iegs, and after he lifted the horse and haruess, he then took his two daughters and himself tu give theui piano lessons. That's prettv gOOvl" The Tiser says. “the street cars were uot interfered «ith by the troops iast eveuing."’ Wby wcre they not? They always have heen. Was it the deci?ion m the Walah case? Was it Judge C»>oper*s addrese to the jury in the above case? Or is it the appearance of a British war vessel in port, that has cauaed the ehange?