Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — The Minstrels. [ARTICLE]

The Minstrels.

Next Satunlay the amalenr minstrels will give their tirst perj formauce at the 0{H>ra Hoose aml • iu<.lications are that they will bave h crowded house and give the aadier.ee one of the best entertainmenis seen here for a long time. Some of the boys have satfered from cold. but all their voices are in good condition now andtheirthroatsproperIygreased. There will not be a laek of loeal hits and the Ianghing muscles of the pnhlie will be caile<l into constant serviee. Don t forget that- the hox plan opens to-mor-row morning at the othce of L. J. Levev, and remember that “first eome, first served” is the golden rule.