Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

FBOM THE BALTIMOBE SUN. The report of Commissioner Blount will show that the raonarchial government iu the Hawaiian Islands was overthrowu bv jireconcerted schemes of dishonest persons and that tbe provisional government of the islands had its birth in the United States under assnrances made bv p rscus conuected with tbe Harrison administxation that the eountry would promptly recognize the new governxnent. A gentlemau close to tbe Prosident states that Mr. Cleveland considered the whole Hawaiian question carefnllv and was foroed to the one and only correct conclusion, that a wrong had been done in displacing the Queen of tbe islands and that it shonld be remedied. Throngh Sir Julian Paunceforte, her embassador nt Washington, Gieat Britain kuew of what action the United States contemplated with reference to Hawaii and assured Secretary Gresham. she woald not interfere in any move tbis countrv might muke. Tbere is a well settled belief that tbe democratic partv in both houses of Congress will sustain fnlly the action of tbe President in the Hawaiian ixnbroglio.