Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 November 1893 — Mr. Dole's 1500 Men. [ARTICLE]

Mr. Dole's 1500 Men.

M r. l>ule h;ts -l iunl. that 1500 men h;tve etfeml ti.eir *ssistance anl >tn iee to tlio ProTision*l Government, i n-i beoanso they have Joue <i ■ »'■■ ■■ » ■■ ■■!! v*e _fV-;-in>) i' ■ ' i Haa Mr. Dole st ppetl t. thi:ik. that ; probablv tL. s,. iu«. u are of Uio worst ch iractors fr.*m the lowest slutU' • n the eoast. au.l do nol care for. nor have they uay sytupathv for this governmeut. but. are lookino forwaul to expectaut sj>oils anil woaKl eventnally hie Dole and his governraent out, aml take charge theuvselves, Thos are the Im n \vhotu Dole eulogizes. For further informaticu we refer Dole to M. G. Smith of the Star.