Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — A Long Swim [ARTICLE]

A Long Swim

The steamer Waialeale while oH the cost of Maui last» Friday moruing, on her way to Hawaii, ran a cross a eouple of South Sea Islauders—a uiau and a woman—swiraming for shore. they beiug at that timo about three miles oti‘. Captain Smyth stopped the steamer and picked up the “water God and the mermaid. After being ou . board a few minntes, the oeeupauts of the sea, stated their experience. It soems that they had left Lahaina in a eanoo on Thursday, to go ou a tishing e\cusiou, iutendiug to returu the neet moruiug. Soou after leaviug the shore. the eauoe whieh was under sail aud sailing aloug at a lively rate with a stroug breeze, suddenlv capsized. After several attempts to right the eauoe withont success, and tiudiug themselves being carried further to sea. they concluded to do the swimming act. While j>erforming the steamer eame aloug. 1 hey say that they. were iu the water uine hours.