Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

11A W A 1IA\ Opera Honse SECOND APPEARANCE 0F THF. HONOLULU Amatour Minstrt‘ls ox SATDEDA¥. - - DEC 2,1893 Bcx sheet will opon on F i>l * v at 9 a.m.. at L. J. Levv's. POPULAK PRICES Don't Forget the Date. POLM) MASTr K\s NOTiCE. Notic« is hcn>by (ji»eu t.. ;»tl j- p-.u», t a there is at the t.i<>rerumeut l'<>Qud at M» kiki. the foUewing 2 »tr i w-ii h»>r>e>; 1 vrhite horse with wmte t.jv,t iu the eye. branded {jH, on right hip. 1 while hotse. lir.»uti uuiit,soriUilile. Any person or j>er> >n> owumi; Uiea* horses. are reqaeste<I to oome *nd i..k>- tb« sime on or before 1J o’eloek noon of SATniDAV, lVeCuil»’r !*, Ive; JAMtS Kl KON.k. Pouud Master. Makiki, Xor. 2S, 1S!W. X<>. Iw POr\I) MASTKH*S NOTI( K. Xotice i> herebr given te f.!l j< -- :.>. that theie i» at the G>ivcninieut PonuU M»kiki, a stn»y horse: 1 r*d fiily br.»u.le<i {\\) on ripht hip. Any persua or persons ownini; this horse, are re4ueateil to eonie aud take tbe aaiue <>■ or l>efore 12 o’eloek no<m>>f >Ai ! l.I>A V December 9, 1893. JAMES KI KONA. Ponn-i Master. 'Makiki, Xor. 28, 1S93 N >. -•‘■l* CcaLir.e tc WAIKIKI PARK Sans £>ouci Z; Dianicnd ?Iead TIME TABLE I.eare I.eare forner Sans Souci. Fdrt & Kinu, Su 7.50 A.M 9 A.M. 10 “ 11 « 12N.von 1 P.M. 2 P.M 3.10P.M. 4 “ .. . 5.10 “ 6.30" 7!» “ 9 " 10 *• Fares to Rifle 5 cts; Waikiki, 10 cts; Sans Sjnci and Dian nd H-.-.ul. !ō ct->: Roand trip, 25eta; Ohiklien nn.i«r 12 years, half pnee. no27 ff iUST ARRIVED. * W M y y y i -i i Baby Carriages OF ALL STVLES, Car*pEt0, lV|al$, IX THE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sewinff Machines O Haxd Sewdsg Machixes, With Lateat Ituproreiuentgri J PAKLOK Organs, Guitars. And Other Mnāeal Instrnmeuts. \Vines, Liquors, Beer alwats ox HAXD, A>T) FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCBUEGEE L C0. King St.. oppo. Caoile Jc Cookr'».