Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Justice. Secretary Gresham iaforms tho president that the relationsof this government to tbe Sandwich Islnnds shou!d be no longer that of the big boy to tbe Iittle one, bnt of neighbor to neighbor. and that the interference of this country with Hawaii has bocn unjust. He advises a change of front, and with reasons. The Sandwich Islands are an independent natiou. They ehouhl bo coutiuned as sncb. The federal govemment has no business to assome authoritv there. and no possible excuse u* attempt tho auuexition of that country to this. o are now the n»ost impreguable aud easilv defendod eountry in tho world. The seas guanl us on tbo east and west, the climato on tho north aud south. Eterual peaee is ours if au itch for territorv do»s not embroil us in fore;gn eE.tar.glements. Tho annexation of Hawaii wouid be tho excu.se for the annexation of other islands until. like £ngland. we wonId have to fight eveiything und n»aintain a navy and army to hohl our useless islaud possessions. Hawaii isno use to us, aud the conrse have been from the start. hands rdf. It is time to adopt that policv now, aml let the litt!e naiion rulo itself. —Bradford Era. {\lationaI lron wopi^ Quee\ Street, Between Alakea & Iiichard Sts. THE UXr>EKSIGXED are prepare»l to I make ell kimia of Ir»n Brass, Bronzo, Zinc, Tin and lx a l Castinp». Al«o a General Re[«iir Shop for Steam Engines, Bice Mills, Com MiUa, Water Wheels, \Vind Milla, etc. Machines for the Clr;«uing of C<>R*e. Ctwt r OiIs. Be»as, Kamie, Si~;il, Pineapple Leaves Sc other Fihn-.ns PIants, Aml Paper Stock Al«o Machines for Ertmcting St:irch from the Manioe, Amm Root, etc. All Onlem pron!ptly attended to. WHITE. RITMAN CO. Long Brancli BATH ING Establishment. This First-class Dathmg Kesort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the pnblic. It is tbe best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy ha!f bourand on Satonlays and Snndays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietoit. CH0CK LOOK, | Merchant Tailor Xo. 321 Xanann Strwt, ALL SU1TS GUARAyTEED T0 F1T, and MADE in the BESTSTYLE. * CLOTHES CLEANED 1 axd REPAIKED.