Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — Dr. Day’s Misstatement. [ARTICLE]

Dr. Day’s Misstatement.

In an interview iu Chicago, Dr. F. R. Da)- is reported to havo said that, “the succes of the revolution in Hawaii is not the result of a display of force by the United States; that up to and within twenty-four hours of the proclaraation of the newConstitutiou by the Queeu no rovolt was thought of; that the result would have been the sarae whetljer the marines landed or not, but that the landing of tbe marir.es rnade the revolution bloodless instcad oi bloo<ly."’ “That the result wou!d have been the same wbether the mariues landed or not,” the Doctor uo doubt knows better than to express such an opinion. Bnt tbat tbeir landing raade the revolution less bloody for the revoIutionists —is true.