Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — Ths Misses Albu. [ARTICLE]

Ths Misses Albu.

The tl'amoui? English Sopranos arrived tbis morniog on tbe Australia and trill g:ve several concerts here. It i? exi>ected that if the neces?.>ry arrjngemenl.s ean be madc the tir-t concert will take plsce on Thur«day evening. A r»re treat ia in store for onr muaie lovicg p»*ple, and we hope tbat tbe coacert wiil be well patronized.

The 0.5. S. Australia. H. C. fioad!eUe,Coirmander, arrsved thiatnorning firom Sau Francisco. I