Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Undo the Wrong! [ARTICLE]

Undo the Wrong!

1’ '.ident Clevelancl s clec;sion in tae Hawai'.an case is the omy just r»ue possible. He bas simply nnel ae thd wrong whieh Minister | Steveu», aeting \vithoat author- j ity, -ramitted in tho name of the h «ī • -ou aduoinistratiou, uml whi •! t‘. ct administratioa itself vas ■ T to disavow after it had mael tL oughlv cliscreclitable use <• ii. We reproduce elsewhere Secret;iry Foster’s desp.itch to Stevens, sent iu Febraarv last. in whieh he rebaked th;it -vt'v alous BIaine Ambassador >n the look oot for “good thiugs,'’ and iu whieh he dis- , uvowe<l Steveu’s conduct in land- \ ing United States troop> seizing possession of the governraent baihliug, and snbstitnting upon it the Americau for the Hawaiiau tlag. Secretarv GreshuitK gives a cle.ir and straightforward statement of all the clisgraceful I iu this iuost un-Amer-iean proceeding. showing. what was made plain long ago, that the condact of Mr. Stevens was inclefensible in everv particnlar anel was sastainecl by him with raisrepresentatinu anel falsehoocl. As Secrotarv Gresham savs: - '•Shouhl n--t tbe great wrong elone to a feeble, bnt indepenclent | state. by anrabnse of the anthor ity of the Uuited States. be andone by restoring the legitimate govemuient? Anythiag short o{ that will not, 1 respectfally snb mit, satisfy the demands of justice. Can the United States consistently iusist that otUer nations sball ro?pect the inde- - pendence of Hawaii while not respectiug it them>elves? Oar "overnfDent was the first to ° . i recogaize the indepeadence of the Islunds. anel it shoald be tb« { last to ac«iuire sovereignty over them by forceandfrind.”—J F. i Po*l.