Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — The Hawaiian Islands. [ARTICLE]

The Hawaiian Islands.

vjvrsous in this countrv w nliow themselves to hoeome e ittJ over the ndministration’s d . ision to allow the natives of th • īīawaiian lslamls to rnle ti • !ves. There may be some wh<> ihink a grave mistike Las been i ade and tbat the governmeut : is lost a good opportunitv for e.\tending Ameiiean inlluenee iu the Pacific, bnt will it be generallv adraitted that neitlier Mr. Cieveland nor Mr. Greshara has beeu actuated by anv other motive than to do strict justice to ail eoucerned. The matter is one thc iiuportance of whieh has bien undnly magnified. America ean get along very eomfortabiy withont the islands and so long as no other natiou iuterferes with them there is no reason why they sli ould not be let aloue. The administrition at auy rate deserves credit for not adopting the greedy aud unjnst policv of Englaad and Germany toward barbarous semi-civiiized eounti ies. —Ch ieano Xeivs. !