Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A niSl«;RLiBLE >EtKvSITY. Iiivfr s Idf —*'Mexīco diUn't agre« with me. I got sick down there.'' Jim Hiciey —"\Vhat wu? the matter ? Couldn’t you drink the water ? ” Rirer» Ide —‘*By Jove ! I had to ! I cou!dn‘t drink the whiake}'.” JUST ARRIVED. « W M Baby Carriages 0F ALL STYLES, !(ugp, IVjatp, IX THE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD” Sewino- Machines o H.\nd Sewing Machinks, l With the Latest ImproTement»'^, : i'| PARLOR Oi*gans, OuitarSr And OtherMnsical Instnmients, \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 on hasd, \nd F0R SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLi EGER &. C0. Kini; St.. oppo. Cast!e V (V. plaMonal Ipon Woi^ Qi f.en Street, Between Alakea «fc Riehard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED ate prepared to mnke r11 kinds of Inm Br;is>. Itrunzc, Zinc, Tin aud Leml Castii >> A!»o a General Kepair Shop for St«-;un Eugines. Rice Mills, Corn Milis, Watt-r Wheek, Wiuil Mills, etc. Machines for »he Cleaning t>f Ceff«e, Castor Oils, Beaas. ILuuie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves A other EiHion* Plants, And P»per Stuck Also Machines for Extracting Starch from tbe Mauioe, Amiw Boot, etc. XAsT AU Orders protnptly attended to. WHITE. RITMAN £t CO. Long Branch BATHIN G Establishment. This First-class Bat!iing Resort has been enlarged and is now o)ten to the puhlie. It is tho best plaee on the is)ands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Traracars pass the door even bsH hourand on Satardays and Soadays every fifteen minates. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. CH0CK LOOK, Mercliaiit Tailor No. 321 Nuu*nn Street, ALL SUITS GUARASTKKD T0 FIT, and MAS>K in the BKSTSTYLK. * CLOTHES CLEANL1> l axd EEPAIBKD.