Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I? ova 1 11 nwa iia n ♦ 1 * Opera House ! L. J. Levy '<» M. L. M. Ftunkett. M *nag« / Thursoay - Evening, December 7. IMK? FIRST APPEARANC2 Misses Albu Grand Openine C’<> ( above celebr.-»teJ urt i select ou«. inehulin i Duet in whieh thes*> : euuse l <l sucb .» gre.it Opera Hunse iu S,n before an aiulieuee o sons. Krancisco. 3 2» Popular prices. II xpl m op> a on Wednesday uiormng. at L. J. Levv s at 1) o’eloek. ,1 4 — — Christmas Presents Tbe undersigned beg b :ne to eall the attention t<» t large sortmeut of tasteful au.l eu g.ini Jewelry, suitable for 4.'h i «st uua Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditferent si/. s. Jblawaiian Je\velrv, a specialty. If you want to bny :i!i i legnat and at the same time an in>-xpei:-sive Cliristnias Present. eall aroum] aud ins|»ect iuv st,»ck THOS. LINDSAY. 3IcIneraV Uloek, t rt s-;. H. i. u!. decl ti • Oo3,cirL X—if.zriLS to WAIKIKI PARK £ans {Souci Diar eni TIME TAPLE. Fan*s to Riāe Range, .» cU: Waikiki, If cte; San« Sonci and Di..a; i.-l H.I. cts; Bound trip, 25 cta; Chil»lr«>n nn.ler I? vear8, hall price. ao27 1 1 WO CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street. Thoni.<s’ BlfH-k. next door to Holomua oliiee. A11 Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes eieanwl and KepairetL no27 KW0NG SDfG CH0NG i 00. Co2TLtxa,ctcr E\3.ilc3.sir We also keep oa hand Bedsteads. ¥atjrasses. Tables. Bookcases. Mirrors Etc,, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES No. 216 Kiug st.. Hooolulu de4