Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 December 1893 — T[Illegible]E MISSES A[Illegible]BU. [ARTICLE]

T[Illegible]E MISSES A[Illegible]BU.

A Great Treat To-morrow. One of the greate»t treats tbe people of Honoluln have had, ! will be given to-morrow, Thnrs- | clay evening, at the ()pera Huu.se. The event beiug the tirst appearanee of tiie great Eogliah vocalists, the M I ss»*s Albu. The prograrame is a ehoieo se!ection of operatic rausic to baltads. that our readers m«y look forward to a great evoning, is sho\vn bv the <luet“Hea»rae Nonna”so seltlotn heard bv f\vo such gift*Hl soprauos. the Tocalists join m A M. Smiths • - Maying,” Miss .īulie Albr. will give ”Sing, Sweet Bird.’ an<l •‘The song that renche<l ray Heart,’’ and Miss Kose is to sing ‘ Dear Heart.” “Mattios and Angels Sorenade’’with vio!in obligation by Mr. J. Rosen. Mr. Barsotti will give flnte selection “II Traviata,’’ and Mr. Keogh clarionet solo frora “II SonnainImla.” The Ochestr.i will play several popnlar musics, and Prof. Berger is accompanist. The bill is most*certainIy a tiue one. The demand for seat was great, Mr. Levey’s store being bes eged at an early honr this moruing. We publish the excel!ent progrararae whieli will bo reudered: P.\et I. 1. Overtart* “Coucerto" Rudi'j*r Orchestr.i. Song. .. .•‘Sinir. Sweet Binl,". .. .Gati Mi.ss Allui. 3. Flnte 80I0. ‘ II Trsvi.it»” ;. Verdi Mr. L. P>ar»>.tti. 4. Song “De-.ir Heart,” MatUi Miss Soee Alhn. 5. Gavotte ..“DenreHM>)ve'’ MunkeU Ocbe*>tra. 6. Duet. ... "Hear me Nonua'' BrUini Tbe Misses AJbu. istekval ok 10 MIS ITES. Paht II. I. Overtnre “E»mer*<la” n-nnan Orchestra. -- Song., “The s«mg that reache*l tnv Jnrtlrin Mis* A!!«. 3. Cl.irionet Sj1o “II S.nnunbnLi” IWUini Mr. W Keogh. 4. Song . ..“AngeJs* Serena»le” Hrn.oa Mk« Knsc Aibn. i 5. MArrh J >rfn! D..jr» ’ Roth Orche»tra. 6. Du> t ,..“Maying”... ,AUrt Maru Sm»tk Tbe Mū*ies Alhu. •’Hawaii Puaoi.” Aeeenupanea....') P»of. ff. Be»oek.