Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Go and hear ihe phc>i!(gf.ipj. New The F, (.»• Band al the U >tel this erenmg. — H. B. M. S, Ohampion g>es.>.t. slc e to-morrpw. !• r target pr-cii»v, i A Iarge nmnber <>f pe»ple iif-te«\-ed t<> the rnusic by t!ir Nj»lion»| Band. last eveuine. — An alann of tir- wti< t irned in | to the Centr.il St iti<>n u aH>ut 7 o’c!ock a : evening. N > d.iong - Xnere was ni«.re trnth t- etry, iii thal Ji>nes—Wi x c . \ rsation, Mr. Star uai h w-'s t n> fitke. “ Tlie Goveruinent h;is withdrnwn its t»ennijisi m t« fureign vesse!sof war to iiind their meu for drili or other purposes withont its writkeu consem. v —//<; ui.../ 4 iS?tir. He!h>! wlm’su t’r. The Star sp.*aks he Uiin» Lusitana asa % 'treach*'n>us j.nirn ti.” because it gives its read« rs s une gooi advioe, by telh; g tbem -n»l to bear arn-s ft>r the rnni nt." The portugoe8 * joun al p!-rfectly c ,>rrect. Owing to a r.im >r, th < . ilie N. vil | forces were to Iand s >in liine v*t*- ; terday afternoon, the C otain a. <i ' a Sirgeint of the R>g I - w. e I dodging around u■l» r >.;!<- tur 1 water front watching— wh t—1 I ** those mi»quitos ? ” — Thereverend, cbristi i' •>! e<iitor of ihe FrUml. — 1 rd. v»ted to the uv>r<.i ami rr ig!<- - interests of Hawaii—in . pUUieal article headed “a cl<>ud of war,” as8iime8 the atlit ,ide f „ 1 *‘tighter” instead th.it <>f**pr» eher of the gospei.” We w i.h r. in whieh part r.f this is!and ih- v>>rend iaorn’or wili 1e, when *,tightiug” time comes?