Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

<*>(ntral , G. W. HACFABLASE & C0„ Importers&Commission i MERCHAXTS, I | Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands I ——————————————————————— THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacturing Jeveler and Watchmaker, Mclnemy Bloolc, 40."> Fort St.. Honolnln. HARR1S0N BROS., \£T CONTRACTORS AND ;BU1LDERS. 208 Fort St., Honolulu. “FAT BOY.” BAY 8AL00N ! P. MrlNERNY, Froprictor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corner Bctiiel and Hotel Sts. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Gommission Merchant. SPECIALTLES: .1. k P. Coats' Maehiue Thread Jonas Brooks' Maehine Thread Barbonr’s Linen Threadj Pears’ Soap P. O. Box .158. Mntnal Telephone .106 13 Kaahnuanu Street. Einpire Saloon, ;JAMES OLDS, Pkoprietor. Fine Wine& L5quoi% Beer, ALWAYS 0\ HAXD. Comer Nnuann and Hotel Streets W0 CHAN & Co. Merehant Tailoi* Kino; street, TIioinas’ BIock, next door to Holomua office. I All Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. 1 1 Clotlics Cleaned and Repaired. no27 %m S0UCI HOIEL W'MKIKI, HONOLOLU. Filst-Class Aeeommoilaiion for Tottnsts and Island C»oests. SUPER10K BATHIHG FACILITIES. Private Cottages fcr FamilieS. \ T. A. S1MPS0N. oct9 Manager. HO YEN KEE & CG. Tinsraiths and dealers in Crockery ware, Glassware, etc. Water Pipes Laid and Repaired, Neatly Execnted. No. 41 Nunanu St.. between King and Hotel Streets, 1 Aseu Building.