Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3)n$uwntf ibticrs. INeUKAN CE FIRE & MARINE Thk Uxdersi«ned is authorized to take Fire and Marlne Risks on 1 Uiil<lings, Merchandise. Hulls, Cariroes. Fi*eiirhts and Commissions, at Current Rates in the following Companies, viz; H* U al Insurance Co . - - Liverpool Aliin n ce.4ssuranee Firc <j- Marine, - London Wilhelma of Mudgehurg Genl. Ins. Co. Sun lnsurance Co., - - San Francisco J. S. WALKEK, Ag-cnt tor Hawaiian Lslands Kesidexce : Mntual 410. P.O. Box 117. Telephoxes; Bell 3āl _ Mntual 417. E. B.THOMAS, Contractor Builder ]\jstiinatos Given on -A.11 lvinds OF BR]fK, 1I!0N. ST»E i «1« 61181® All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALī Brick, l.ime, Cement, Iron Pipe *ml F!ttings, 01*1 A New ConIron. Miuton Tiles. Quarr\’ Ti'es, assorted si/.*'s au*l eolors; C*1 i nia au*l Monterey San ’ Granito Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. f Corner King <51 Smith Sts. 0FFICE <51 YARD: Ofhce Hours. 8to 12 M., 1 to 4 P. M. 4 TMf PROJECT C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00MERT — iB5le Oj!ortttity ftr ALL! Owing to onr constautlv nereasing bnsiness an«l tl e great *leruand of »n appreciati’.g community, we bave eo’ cln*led to otier an opport iuitv to all part*es having eapiH Our LINE of SCHOONERS n vbe seen gliding over tbo BAK filUxl to their atmost c.*rn ing cap»c.ty with elear. e*»! and invigorating F ''1 r « c P k .rt b ' ,,3 |LA5EE,BEEE At the “Anchor Saloon.” To aocommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we ha\e bnilt a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. Tla.e “iLnelioi,” ]s tbe onlv plaoe where a C *ol Giass of Frederick>bi.rg Beer on *Uaught ean be ha -iu Honolnlu. Step forw..rd gentlemen, NOW’S the Time. ocl4 dm