Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 December 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The following persons arrived in the city yesterdav on the loeal stoamers; From Kauai—W E Kowell, P McDonald, Dr Friedlander, J K Cummings and wife, Miss M Miller, Miss Hadley, O Mart, Mr Zoeller. Mrs J H Coney and child, M I) F ērnandez. Ho Fon aml 2 Japanese. From Maui—W H Uomwell. Dr Nieoll, Mrs W D Alexander. Miss Alexauder, F Wittrock. RjVon Tempsky, V V Ashfonl. W L Wilcox, A Wilder, D Morton. J E Miller, W C Aehi, Mrs Thomas. O Unna, J K losepa, S Ahmi and Y Alau. The steamers Mikahala. W. G. Hull, C. K. Bishop, C.audine, and Lehua, are up to leave for their re«pective jx>rts to morr\iw.