Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 73, 13 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The steamer W»i«le»!e is «j* to ieave for Hamakna oc Fr id»y. A detacbment of P, G. eoUiei» were treate<l to new shoes this morning. A ilanoe wiil be given boanl of H. B. M. S. Champiou this evening. The M.vr*posa leaves f< *r San Francisco tomorro« forenoon a* 10 o'eloek. Mr. E. A. Mclnerny has beeu appointed clerk in the Pinanea office, iu the plaee «*f Mr Carl Widemanu. The Tiser irabecile nee I n*t bother hiraself ub ut Mr. Blount ' anl fhnt Constitntion. I’liU.k abont eoaiething else ohl mau. The annexation club aml the Americ<u League, are ©videutly r>muing the goverument. Kecent t veuts show that fact very plainly. The Associated Press c<'rresnor.dent has raade tbe brag that lhey have control of the telegraph \vires in Amenea, and that onlv his reports will be telegraphed East. "Large ain’t it,” Say, ’Tiser imheeile, those ‘•eminenl jurists and 8tategmen,” who ‘‘ooncocted the Constitntion ol’ 1887" made a niee rae«s • f 5l; didn’t they? Voor polilieal Chief .īustice. even aoknnw!e<iges th:it. We nnderstand that the rainistor of Foreign Atfairs is aware > f the presence of the Nuniwa in this harbor. In fact he bas received a visit from Captain Togo and returned that visit at the Legation. Why so qoiet abont it' Mr. Oscar Unna the manager of tbe Kipahulu Plantation will leave on the Marij>osa for a visit to his native couutry l)enmark. Mr. Unna who is a well known kamaaina aud a raost successfui and esperienced sugar j>lanter takes a five months vacatioir, and we wish him mueh joy and a safe retnrn to Hawaii nei.