Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 74, 14 December 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WANTED. A gentle BUGGY HOPSE for Family use. report to TRACY'S btore on King street, next door from Holomua office, on Thursdavs and Fridavs. del4 5w •/ * Royal Hawaiian Opera House ! TO-NIGHT! December 14, 1893. Engiish, irish and Scotch Concert The press and puhlie are unanimons in their virdict that The mSSE8 Julie K lbu Aro the Greate«t Vocalists who have ever appeared in Honolulu, TH0RSDAY ETeniM : s PR0GRA1MB —will iuclude—'T(V(ls WUhin a Mile Edinboro Toon. }Iimtrel Boy. The l/ui Rose o/ Snmmer. Lhe Wore a Wreath o/ Rosas. I DreanTt I Dwelt in Marble Haūs. The Harp That Onee. Dearest Heart. In Cupid's Cmai. AXD DUETS: Sainted M other, (Maritana) Aud Blamtnthal’s Venetian Boat Song, aml other Grems. £-4?” Box plan for Thursday and Satorday now open. del2