Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 74, 14 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Charlio Carter Las our sympathies. The Councils were iu Session this ufternoou. Do not talk about jail-birds, Mr. Stellar Smith. The shark tank is ready aud waiting for ‘ktbat shark. M The R. M. S. Mariposa sail at five o’eloek for San Francisco. A Mnlual telephone was placed on board of the Champion this tfternoon. The National flag was not disp’a)ed at the Uuited States Legation to-day. A few invited guests spent an eujoyable evcning on board of the ehampion last evening. It is reported, that the Naval ofiioers and men, are ordere*i to remain ou board of their respecive vessels. Capt. Wm. Mataon and wife, Miss Lishman, Mrs. and Miss Parmalee, and Oscar l'nna, were passengers from this city b} r the Mariposa. TVonder if the usual batch of mis sti»tements aud exaggerations from the Associated Press Correspondent, go forward by tbe Mariposa. The Uuited States Revenue Cutter Corwin arrived off the harbor at midnight 9 days from San Francisco. She eame into port tbis morning. Say. Stellar Smith, how about “the testimony on any«ubject in whieh he is a party at interesf’ of any of your cliqoe? Are they trutbful? Not mueh. The Staranaonnces. that “Mrs. Walter G. Smith aud family will loave this city for their Coronado home about Jannary lst.’’ Wondor when Mr. Smith intends to leave?

An Esecotive Conncil was held this forenoon. Tbe Synod of the Anglican Chnrch in Hawaii met last even- » ing at St. Andrew’s Snnday School rooms. The Tiser imheeile Joes not <ieny the fact tbat a j<lotdid exist for the purpose as represented by Jneu in his ofliilavit. - • Annex.<ion’s Papa was beard j to remark this raorniug, *‘I wish i to ,God he • (Mr. Blouut) wns ou ■ board of her (the Corwin).’’ Stellar Smith thints that he has been damaged $ 50,000 worth. Henee will eommenee snit against , Col. Spreckels for tbSt amonnt. 4 The Attorney General and the Associated Press Correspondent were in conversation for some time yesterday afternoon. Something to go forward by the steamer to day. A telegraphic despatch dated Washington November 29, sa3's, “lt js the general impressionthat the Turiff Bill will encounter strenuous opposition in Congress. The wool-growers are activel3’ opposing the measure,” Wby did the Justices of the Supreme Court appoini Judge Kepoikai to his preseut positiou if be was not a competent person. Perhaps those l, royalv<t prodivities” tbe Star refers to, have tendeil to make him incom))etent. A person’s competentc3' or incorapetenc3’ depends on “what side he is ou” now-a da3*s. Speaking of Judge Robertson, the Advertiser imbecile says, “The purpose of the item was to show the ro\’al;st papers that the xlecisions of the Judge were made without regard to politics.’ That is true. The polituxd chief Justice might take a lesson “in honor, justice, and sound sense from the young judge. “TheLacciulive Islands are suffering from a plague of rats. whieh are destroying the eoeoantlt plantations. The islanders are treating the rats to diet of rice, powdeied with plaster-of paris. When the rat drinks after eating. the plaster bardens and the rat becomes useless. ” Tongue and Green peas are enough to reuder the P. G. rats nseless. Thepolitical Chief Justice says, that when the Qneen used the words “the present Constitntion is fall of defects as the Chief Justice here (Alapaki) will testify.” from the throue on Saturday afternoon the 14th of Jannarv Iast, “I expressed neither assent nor dissent to this.” It is a fannv thing, bnt nev3rtheless true, that several persons present on that oecasioD, saw the Chief Jnstice look at the Queen and nod bis head, wheu those words were utteretl.