Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 74, 14 December 1893 — Judd's Logic. [ARTICLE]

Judd's Logic.

Chief Justice Judd who onee rejoiced in, and plumed himself on, the title of Chancellor of the Kingdora, has put himself on record in the Star last night in one of the most illogicaland idioticetfusions it haseverbeen onr Iot to peruse. Our readers will understaud tbe full force of this remark when we say that even his judicial decisious are as plain, correct, and uncontradictable, as the axioms of Euclid beside this, his latest production. To 5how that he did not assent either orally or by gesture when Majesty turned to him in the Throne room on Jauuary 14th and asked him if he didn’t think the coastitution (of 1887) was full of defects and imperfections, he prodnces an alleged copy of a docnment in the handwriting of the late Judge Preston showing that they two had revised that document at the request of three members of the Committee of thirteen in 1887: and whiledisowning any act or part in the proposed change as a violation of their oiheial oath that they had made changes in the proposed uew constitution; all of whieh as he subsequently asserts were not agreed tq by that committee. And yet this ;s the man who sits on the Supreme Court Beuch as its head and whoae brains (?) have to finally solve everv tangle in eqoity. law, and justice that our society presents to him—a man who is so logical as to disprove an event of 1893 by a totally vary f ing document referring to events in 1887. Vae et vaU, Oloiekala opio.