Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold ours<*lves responsible for th« opinions or the uttenmoes of our cwrpe«j»ndent».] IT IS TIME. Epitob Holomua: If the F. G. and its adherents have senae they will arrange forthe *oftest compromi9e they ean make, and step down and out quietlv. Yet I believe that aome of them who know that their hope of mercy is past will eonlinue to kiek. and like the fox in the iahle trv to persuade other fools to cut their tails off. Is remains to be seen how thev will succeed. My advice is: The jig is up. Give up like sensible honest bravc aud honqrable men on the best terms you eau secure. i’Vrfe. »ap.