Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

jfusuranr( Hotircs. I]VSUR.A]VCE FĪRE & MARINE The Um»ek.si«nei> is authorizod to take Fire and Maiine Kisks on I }uildings, Merchandise. Jriulls, Cai'izoes, Freiffhts and Commissions, at Cum-nt Kates in the following.Companies, viz; R*yal Insurance Co . - - Liverpool Allia nee As.sn ranee Fire #Ma ri ne, - Lonāon Wilhelnw of .\fadgeburg Genl. Lns. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco «I. AT j Kli 5 Agent for Hawaiian Islands Residence : Mniual 410. P.O. B 117. Telephoxe.s ; Bell :151_ Mulual 417. E. B. THOMAS, H T_ / Contractor Builder Estiraates Oiven ou g\.ll 3viuds # OF HliU'K. \m, SWE i»K HHLDINGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attendcd to. KEEPS FOR SALE Brick, Liuie, Ceinent, Iron Stone Pij>e aml Fittings. Ohl Ā: Nevr Corrugate«l Iron. Miuton Tiles, Quarry Ti!es, assorted sizes and eolors; Cxlifornia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Biocks, etc.. etc. C Corner King (51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD : ■? Office Hours, 8 to 12 M., (_ 1to4P. M. mw C0X8TART LIXEE0F SCE00HER8 —AB|le OppoiMl tor ALL! Owing to onr constantlv increasing business and the great demand of an appreoiatiug oommunity, we have eonclnded to oder an opportnuity to «U j>arties having capital. Our IĀNE of SCHOONERS raay l>e seeu gl«ding over the BAR filled to tbeir ntmost earrying capacity with clear, eooi and invigorating • / r™i|rtcw»,j U5ER m Atthe “Anclior Saloon.” To accommodate onr Vust Fleet of Schooners, re have **ailt a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. lOe.© Is the only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksborg Beer on draught ean be bad iu Honolula. Step forward gentlemen, NOW*S the Time. oc!4 3m