Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 77, 17 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

POl\SD M.ASTEK’S NOTiCE. Xotice is hert-bv given to all there is at the Gorermnent I’ >und at M*kiki, a 8trsv horse: I gtxxi hUek hors«, bran<l indescnbable ou rigbt hip. Any pen*on or perst>ns o»ntug thi> hon«e, are recjnested to eome »nd l.ike the *aiue o« or be/ore 12 o’eloek noou of 8ATURD VV, December 30, 1893. JAMES KUKONA. * Ponnei Ma.-ter. Makiki, Lee. ,18 1893, L. H. DEE f JOBBEK OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and Betbel .«t.reets. Ghristmas Presents Tbe nndersigued bt*g leuve t# eall the Htteution to u large assortment of tasteful «nd elegan* Jeweln r , suitable for Chiistma* Presents. Hawalian Flag Pins, in ditferent sizes. tlawaiian Jew©lry, a specialty. If you want to buy an elegant and at tbe same time an inexj>eusive Cbristmas Present, eali around and inspect my stock. THOS. LINDSAY. Mclnerny Uloek, Fort St.Honolnl • decl tl Y okohama Bazaar, Corner Nnuanu k Hotel sta. Jnst Received a New Lot ol JAPAHE8E FAHGT GOODS FOR Xmas Presents 3ILK HANDKERCH1EFS. COTTON CKAPE of DiffeN ent gn*des Straw Hats. Tojs, 4c. de9 POUND MASTER*8 NOTICE. Nodee is hereby gj»en to all pereons, thst the« ts mt the G<jTemment Foand »t U» kiki, Ihe following 4 stnv«d \rtn mk! T honm : } ww, brend iadescnb*b»e on right hip. 3 “ “ •• “ •• .. u 4 “ •• •• •• •« «. u white spot on tbe forebead. 5 I M*re. whue «pot on forehead. bran4 mdescnb*bie. 8 1 5Ulhon, white spot *n forehead ed {>. on the feft hip. Aay person or p«raons owniag tbrm eow» «ad honea, are reciaesled to eome aad t*ke tbe aune on or before 13 o'eioek ahk o 1 8ATURDAY. Dec. 23rd, 1883. JAM£8 KUKONA, Poond Masler. UakM, Dec. 12, 1883. No. 71-1»