Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 78, 19 December 1893 — American Opinion. [ARTICLE]

American Opinion.

One of tfae reaiarkak]e soorces of tbe Adrertiser ami Star s iuf< rmation as to American sentinient and opinion is n»w pnkliely confessed by tfaem to be tfa« seonrings of tfae forecastwes <•{ vessels arriving faere. by tfaeir reporters. Sucfa a confes>i. n sfaould more tfaan anything *is« >how the puklie here ho» umeh reliance is to be placed on their assertions, of what 1«, aud what is not. thought bv tiie Ainericaa people of t’ueir actions here. Tfa« tmth is that wherever tho_\ eaa extract a gr:un of comfort f*ren if they have to pay for it (whieh harrows their small souls into Hgonv) they publish evervthmg that ean be twisted into tha semblauce of an approval of th« «cts of the Portuguese-Germaa Anarcbist-M issiouary place-grab-bing-tilibustering tactics of th« Stevens-placed Provisional Governmeut of the Huwaiinn Islande,

Madge—What is your ideal of a man fora husbandf Ethelbert — One whom the gods lovel Monrning suits my eomplexion.

What nntion in frugalitv, With Scot!an<l c.«n compare! We know it for realitv : Some Scotchmen Iive on Ayr. e. n.