Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 78, 19 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

!UST ARRIVED, " m m N W Baby Carriages 0F ALL STTLES. IN* THE LATKST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines Hand Sewing Maohine», Aū With thf Latfst Impruvemfnl»T$3 PARLOR Organs, Gnitars, And OtherMnsical instrnments, Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS ON HANO, AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSGHLiE6EE A 00. King St.. oppo. Castle A Cooko’g. ■ ' ■■ ii l4ational Ipon Wūr^ Queen Sthf.et, Between Alakea <% Richard Sts. THE HUNr>EBSIGNED are prej;ared to make rll kimls of Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc. Tin and Loui C«stinp». AI«o a General Repair Shop for St« am Engines, Kiee Mills, Corn Milis. W»ter Wheels, Winil. MiHs, etc. Maehinea for the Cle«ning of C4iffee. Castor OiIs, Boans, Kumie, Si*al, Piaeapple I>eaves A other Fibrons l’Iants, Antl Paper Stoeki Also Machines for Extracting SUrch (rotn the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. All Orders promj>tly utten.ie<i to. WHITE, RITMAN «51 CO. —, — Long Branch BATHING Establishment. 'Phia First-clas8 Bathtng Resort haa been enlarge«l and is now open to tbe puhlie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. S|tecia! aeeonnmodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door ever\- balf bourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minntes. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. KW0RG SDIG CH0NG & G0. Com.txa.ctox <3z Sm.ild.ex l?ainting, <fcc. We alao keep on hand Bedstēads. Mattrasses. Tables, Bgokcases. Mirrors. Etc.. AT THE L0WEST ifARKET PRICES No. 216 Kiog »t., Uonoiolu de4 3m