Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 79, 20 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

jfu5uranrr IN8UHAN OB F!RE & MAKINE Thk UM>ERSUiNED is authorized to take Fire and Marine Kisks oo UuiUli ngs, >Ierchandise. Hulls. Carcroes. Frei2liis and Commissions, «U Current Rates in the following Companies, viz; n*,jal Insurance Co■ AUianee Aasurance Fire $ Marine, - Lonāon Wilheinm of Madgeburg Oen’l. Ins. Co. Sun īnsurance Co., - - .1. S. WALKEK, Agcnt for Hawaiian Islands TEI.El'HONES : liell 351. Mutual 417- , Residexce : Mntual 410. P.O. Box ll 7 E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder Estimates Givon oii A.11 Kiud.s 0F T lllī BH, W, 4 W»i All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEP8 KOR «ALE: Brick, Lime, Cemeut, Iron Stone Pipe nnd Fittings, Okl & New Corrugate(l lron. Minlon Tiles, Ti!es, assorted sizes aud colors; CMlif inia and Monterej T Sand, Granite Curbing and l>b>cks, etc., etc. C Comer King dt Smith Sts. OFFICE <5t YARD: \ Officc Hours, 8to ia M,, i to 4 P. M. C0HST4»T L1NEE0F SCHQOHERS—Ample Oppoīlnmll for ALl! Owing fo onr coustautly iiu-reasing lmsiness and the great demand of au appreoiating e«»mraunity. we have eoncluded to ot!er an op|x>rtunitv t" «II parties having eapital. Oar UNE ol SCHOONERS Vn« be aeen gliding over the BAR filled to their utmost catt>*ing cap:tcdy with clear, oool and iovigorHtiug “^lUOmEEĒE At the u Anclior Salooii.” ■To aocommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have *-milt a fiue Urge Refrigerator n gardless of co*t “ ,^.rLc3aox,’' I, tbe oely pUee whero > Cool FW«rickebera Beer on *eugbt be h»d-.n Bonolnln. StepbnmrJ genllomon, NOWS Iho Time. ocM3m