Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 84, 27 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Jfnsurancc Fire, Life & Marinc ~*INSURANCEh~ HARTFORD FIRE ISSUKANCE CO.. Asaets, $7,109,825.49 LQNDOX LAN*CHASHIRE FIRE 1N*!?. CO.. Assets. $4,317,052.00 TUAMES MERSEY MAHINE 1NS. CO.. Assets, $6,124,057.00 NEW YORK L1FE INS. CO.. Assets. $137.499.138.99 C. O. BEUGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu. H. I. NOTICE. Tbe nndersigned hasreceWed from the Eastern 8tatos, Ihe Largest Single Order of Billiard Material >ver imported to the Islunds. It concludes as follows; Cloth,3 grades; Cues, as3sorted; Cnshions. [bv Block. pateutj; Billiard Balls. Compositiou and Ivoiv. Pool, Tips. Chalk; . Pocket Castings with leathers. and fr>nge complete; Pocket nettings, fringe and leatbers; Rnbber covers; Conrt Plaster, green and black; Kew style ehalk holders; Triangīes: Shake balls and leather bott.es; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. TUe &boTe goods bave been purchased at reduce.1r.te». aud Uie oiidersigncd is now prcpared to do ani an.l a kinds of B!LLĪARD TABLE WORK »t reasonab(e r„tea witb disp.leh Aleo hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Houolulu \j._ E. McInty^ e B^o. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX Groceries. Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FOP.T «fc KINO STS. NEW G00DS RECEIVED Bv everv Packet frora the EasternStates and Enrop«. * Fresh California Prodnce by ever>’ steamer. All Orders fuithfnlly attendpd to, and Goods delivere<.’ anv part of the Citv —Free of Charge. Island Orders so!icited. Satisfaction guaranteed. JST Office Box No. 145. Telephone X t o. 92. Holomua Publisliing Co., PUBLISHEKS OF THE “ HAWAII • • HOLOMUA,” 4 Journal is«xiecl Daily, (Snnday excepted) Inihe Engl5sh b»ngnage. and pledged in policv to snpport the I.!ohts *xd Previleges of the H\winA5 People. th« intefests of the laboring men, and good and bonest Govern* aient for tue whole coontry. .1013 PRINTEHS All Booes and Job Pp.i.vmo neatly execated at short noliee and at moderate fignres. BILL HEADS. CARDS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, etc., Finishe»i in Firet-Claa« atyle. Island Ojālers solicited and promptly attended to. Ofpice : Thom»s’ Block, King Street. Honolalo, H. I.