Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

<Th 9alomua <£alcndar. JANUARY, 1894. M<'nd.\y % ( Taesd«y Wednesd3V | Thursday ‘ Friday I Satunlay Sunday 1 8 lō “-2 29 2 916 30 3101” 24 31 4111625 5 131926 6133027 7142126 * M00S’S PHA8E'. New Moon. Jan. 6: First Qaarter, Jan. 14; Fall Jan. 21; Last Quarter, Jan. 2». Foreign Mail Service. Steamt:bips will !eare for an<l arr-ve from San Francieco anJ other fomgn porU, on or abont tbe foiloa!Eg dates, lili the eloue of 18SK. Vessels in Port. NAVAL VES»ELS. H B M # S ehampioa, Eooke. U88 Adams, Nelso i. U 88 Pbilad_-lphia, BarLer. H I J M’a S Nauiwa, Togo, Juptn MERCHANTMEN. Qer Bk J. C. Pfluger, Wolters, Bremen. Br aeh Norma, Walker. C A S 8 Miowera, Sydney, eu route \'an couver. Am bkt Wrestler, Bergmann. N Castle. Am bk S 0 Allen, Thompson, SF. Am bkt Amelia, Ward, Puget Soond. Am bkt Irmgard, Schmidt, S F. Am bkt S Q Wilder, MeNeill, S F. Bark C D Bryaut, Jacobsen, S F. Am bk Plauter, Dow, S F. Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, SF. Am bkt Oeo C Perkins, Maas, 8 F. Am bk Colusa, Backns, Departtre B»y. Am bk S N Castle, Hubbard, S F. Foreign Vessels Expected. [This List does not Includc Steamers] vessels. where from due. Qer bk GaIvcston Hongkong. ,Nov 7-12 Haw sh Johu Ena N S W Nov 15-22 Haw ah liawaiiau Isles.N S W.. ,Nov 1H-26 Ger sh Terpaichore... ,N S W Nov 20-30 Am sch Aliee Cooke. ,Pt Blakely.. Dec 25 Am bkt Disoovery S F........Dec 9 Am bk Martha Davis....Boston De$ 20 Ger bk Nauti!us Liverpool.. Dec 30 Am bktSkakit Port Gamble..Dec 26 Oer bk H Uoeklehl L’vpool. .Jan 10-16 Br sohr V\llata.... Liverpool Jan 5-17 Am bkt M.\rv Wiukelmau. ,N 8 W. .Jan 3-5 Gor bk J C 6la<ie... Livoipool Mnr 1-10 Haw bk Helen Brewer.. N Y . ,Feb 24-28 Islaud Steamors Leaving to day. Mokolii, for Molokai at 5 p. m. Claudine for Maui at 5 p. m. Mikahala nsnal routo at 5 p. m. Iwalani usual route at 5 p. m. Vessels Leaving To-morrow. w. O. Hall nsnal route at 101. m. Waialeale at 10 a. m.